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A self-care tip that we can all benefit from

Whether as the giver or receiver, we offer a self-care tip which could improve our personal wellbeing.

In the run up to Christmas and the end of another year, we thought it might be helpful to revisit a tip we offered a decade ago!

Back then, before any of us had even heard of the word ‘Covid’, we wrote;

“Remember that feeling of sore ribs at the end of an evening with friends, caused by laughing so much it actually hurt?  Well, apparently this is becoming a less common experience for many with lower numbers of trusted friends per capita.  Additionally, the internet allows easy communication with those at a distance resulting in less face-to-face interaction and, interestingly, higher rates in feelings of loneliness amongst adults.”

Fast forward 10 years ... and the tip which follows is perhaps more relevant than ever.

It’s a 2-way tip and applicable whether you are one of those who breathed a sigh of relief at not being able to see people in person during the lockdown periods,  or were climbing the walls not being able to socialise in person.  One thing lockdown highlighted was that we noticed the part social interaction plays in all our lives.

Positive contact with others provides a boost to our immune system, can reduce feelings of stress, and improves our mood.  Knowing we can bend someone’s ear when life doesn’t go to plan, laugh with to increase our endorphins, or to just exchange a kind word; all improve our personal wellbeing.

Our 2-way self-care tip

If you could do with a new face to enhance your contact with others: speak to that neighbour who you've so far only smiled at, volunteer for a charity or join a local walking club.

If you don’t have feelings of loneliness yourself, you probably know someone who does.  For a small investment of your time, get in touch.  The effect of making someone happy, will in turn increase your happiness, resulting in an improvement to everyone’s wellbeing.

Some additional good news in times of increasing prices is that this tip doesn’t have to cost a penny and could last long after the festive season is over.


“So many people are shut up tight inside themselves like boxes, yet they would open up, unfolding quite wonderfully, if only you were interested in them.”

Sylvia Plath


Many other mental health, resilience and wellbeing tips are available on our website – please have a browse to find some that work for you.


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This self-care tip appeared in our Winter 2021 newsletter.  If you would like future editions of our quarterly workplace wellbeing newsletter sent directly to your inbox, please sign up here


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