As you will already be aware, training aimed at minimising the risk of stress and enhancing wellbeing results in threefold benefits – those for the organisation, for the management and for the employees.
We are sometimes asked if we can run a course for everyone in an organisation irrespective of their job title, whilst on other occasions we are asked to train the managers and follow this up with a separate training course for the rest of the staff. So, in order to help with your course selection, we have created this page which gives a brief synopsis of the courses we offer which are suitable for all employees.
If you would like to discuss any of our training for employees, please contact us on 0131 476 5027. Alternatively, you may like to browse through the many resources we have published on our blog which relate to our employee training or read some testimonials from customers who have used us to provide training for their staff. Please remember that you do not have to take an “off the shelf” course and we are more than happy to customise any of our courses for you in terms of either content or duration.
The following courses are suitable for all employees:
Stress Management Techniques
A half-day course which helps the attendees differentiate between stress and pressure. They leave the course with a toolkit of techniques and exercises for use both within their work environment and outside it.
Practical Approaches to Handling Stress
The objective of this one day course is to help delegates develop strategies to cope with stress related issues and give them an understanding of stress and its effects as is illustrated by this recent delegate comment, “The general discussion helps you reflect and put things in perspective”.
Work-Life Balance and Health
As poor work-life balance can cause symptoms which both reduce performance and effectiveness, this one-day course reminds and instructs those attending of actions they can take to improve their lives both during and outside their working hours.
Mindfulness Training
Having been practiced successfully by individuals for many years, mindfulness is now producing great results when used by organisations to improve their staff’s performance and wellbeing. After attending the course, a delegate commented “I now have an understanding on how to focus the mind”.
Personal Wellbeing
It is well recognised that enthusiastic and committed employees are more productive, creative and resilient. At the end of their one-day course a recent delegate reported that “I now feel well informed about relaxation techniques and how negativity affects health and wellbeing”.
Developing Personal Resilience
Today’s challenging times present the workforce with constant pressures and adversities. Offering this course will help staff to increase their confidence and their ability to bounce back when faced with challenging times. As a recent attendee said “I have to say the course was excellent and has already helped me identify a solution to an ongoing issue”.
Bullying in the Workplace: Raising Awareness
Bullying and harassment has an affect on the individual, team and organisation’s welfare. The objective of this one-day course is to introduce delegates to the issue, enable them to recognise when it is taking place and let them know the actions that can be taken to stop it happening and prevent a recurrence.
Managing Anger within the Workplace
A difficult topic but one which properly addressed and managed can save untold damage to both the organisation and the individual. Our one-day course goes beyond the typical approaches and teaches delegates practical strategies and skills to allow them to both cope and coach others through anger reactions.
Mental Health Awareness
Those attending this course will learn how to recognise the signs and symptoms of the most common mental health disorders as well as receive advice about practical strategies that can be used to support team members or colleagues displaying some of the challenging behaviours associated with the most common mental health conditions.
Equality and Diversity Training
Both productivity and performance can improve if a culture is created whereby employees feel comfortable expressing their differences and one in which diversity is valued within their workplace. Our course focuses on the practical issues the attendees experience in their daily duties. One recent delegate said that the most valuable element of the course for them was “Going through examples, following discussions and sharing ideas”.
Energy at Work
This is an area where the “one cap fits all” rule doesn’t apply, which is why this course has been designed to introduce delegates to a variety of principles, ideas and exercises; allowing each individual to decide which works best for them. The overall course objective therefore is to energise people mentally and physically, to boost their self-esteem and achieve more in all the different areas of their lives.
Emotional Intelligence
Emotionally intelligent people have the ability to manage the emotional state around them. On this course delegates learn to understand and interpret their own emotions as well as the emotions of others which will help them and their peers, colleagues and, perhaps, customers to reach more successful and agreeable outcomes.
Lifestyle Management
This course teaches delegates how their lifestyle affects their health and susceptibility to stress. Each attendee leaves with a toolkit and access to an audio download of relaxation techniques to help ensure that what is learnt can continue to be practised on an ongoing basis.
Assertive Communication at Work
Assertive communication is vital to ensure both professional and personal success, not to mention reducing conflict and establishing a culture of open communication. This course helps delegates to communicate assertively in the workplace and can improve performance not only of individuals and teams but also the organisation’s reputation from a customer’s perspective.
Motivating Yourself and Others
A one-day course which raises awareness of what motivates us, what motivates others and illustrates the practical application of the more important motivation theories, enabling delegates to return to work with a deliverable action plan.
Recent articles on our blog....
Workplace wellbeing resources – some helpful recent additions
Our latest collection of external resources to help workplace wellbeing includes guidance and recommendations relating to a range of topics – autism employment, ensuring EDI is for everyone, information sharing in mental health emergencies at work, menopause in the workplace and women at work.
Read More →Testimonials
Our purpose is to provide training and consultancy services to enhance resilience, health and wellbeing in the workplace.
Differentiation is one of the most strategic and tactical activities in which companies most constantly engage
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View case studies for some of the in-house training courses we have delivered to different types of organisations across the UK.