We hope our latest newsletter will put a spring in your step!
Welcome to our Spring newsletter which includes:
- Details of a new course which explores the complexities of domestic abuse and its relevance to the workplace
- Links to a selection of our recent blog articles
- Facilitator and coach, Mark Eyre provides helpful tips for tackling challenging online behaviours and maintaining team spirit whilst working remotely
- Tips to help improve our listening skills
- Links to resources for managers and staff on the topic of health in the workplace
- An article which highlights that we can't be good at everything ... but when we do find a role which utilises our strengths, it's a win-win!
NEW COURSE - Understanding the Dynamics of Domestic Abuse
We have recently introduced training which explores the complexities of domestic abuse, its impact on wellbeing and how to recognise, respond and intervene to support victims in the workplace.
In January, the Government called on employers to “burst the stigma associated with domestic abuse”. Our training offers employers the opportunity to assist them to do so.
Delivered by an experienced subject expert, the content can be flexible with the course length dependent on the topics chosen to be covered. In line with all our courses, training is currently being delivered in a live, virtual, interactive format, with onsite face-to-face training possible if appropriate conditions are fully adhered to.
Recent articles added to our blog
- Building growth mindsets to manage pressure
- Managing Burnout: a new, live, virtual course
- Acute, episodic and chronic stress - what's the difference?
- Why understanding the dynamics of domestic abuse is essential in the workplace
Tips to improve our listening skills
In this edition, we consider how our improved ability not to talk over each other during online communication provides a great opportunity to improve our listening skills. We offer practical tips.
Ask The Expert
In our latest Ask the Expert Q&A, facilitator and coach Mark Eyre answers a question on tackling challenging behaviours during online meetings and provides tips for maintaining team spirit during these continued periods of remote working.
Amanda's Column
Amanda finds truth and comfort from a designer's words in A Secret Worth Remembering.
For this edition we have focused around the topic of health in the workplace and include:
• Guidance notes for employers on workplace adjustments for mental health conditions
• The latest CIPD Good Work Index
• A Public Health England toolkit to improve current workplace health interventions
• Webinar series bringing to life the standards forming the Mental Health at Work Commitment
• Valuable resources from the Society of Occupational Medicine for returning to the workplace post-lockdown
"It is your reaction to adversity, not the adversity itself, that determines how your life’s story will develop.”
Dieter F. Uchtdorf, German Aviator
“We must not wish for the disappearance of our troubles but for the grace to transform them.”
Simone Weil, French Philosopher
Other short reads which may be of interest
• The Secret to Building Resilience (hbr.org)
• Stress and burnout: Tips for employees and employers - FM (fm-magazine.com)
• The priority for workplaces in the new normal? Wellbeing | World Economic Forum (weforum.org)
• How To Cope With Failure, According To Psychology – Research Digest (bps.org.uk)
• What Monkeys Can Teach Humans about Resilience after Disaster - Scientific American
• The Pandemic Has Created A New Kind Of Burnout, Which Makes Well-Being More Critical Than Ever (forbes.com)
... and finally ...
If you, or anyone close to you, has ever suffered a disappointment from being described as too sociable, lacking focus or having poor concentration … we bring you a tale, or should that be tail, with a happy ending!
Thank you for taking the time to read our newsletter. We are always delighted to hear from our readers, so if you would like to share your comments or suggestions with us, please don’t hesitate to contact us at: [email protected].
And if you would like future editions of our quarterly workplace wellbeing newsletter to be sent directly to your inbox, you can sign up here.
Recent articles on our blog....
Improving workplace wellbeing – 6 recent resources & articles
In our latest round up of external resources and articles, we have focused on those offering facts, ideas and possible solutions regarding the role job quality, trust and support can play in improving workplace wellbeing for all.
Read More →Pleasanteeism – the not so new “ism” in the workplace
Although we may now have a word for it, very few people can probably, hand on heart, say they’ve never exhibited pleasanteeism at work. We consider why it is an unhealthy habit and offer some tips to help break its cycle.
Read More →Testimonials
Our purpose is to provide training and consultancy services to enhance resilience, health and wellbeing in the workplace.
Differentiation is one of the most strategic and tactical activities in which companies most constantly engage
It's natural to have questions about training and how it fits with your organisation. Our FAQs can help you find out more.
View case studies for some of the in-house training courses we have delivered to different types of organisations across the UK.