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Newsletter 79 – February/March 2015 features resilience

Welcome to the first edition of In Equilibrium in 2015

With wintery weather conditions still upon us, along with those dark commutes to and from work, we thought we would make resilience the theme for this edition which includes:

  • Details of our latest course which offers skills in the role of mentoring
  • A stress tip which we hope will be so enjoyable you’ll find it easy to work into your daily routine
  • A useful Ask the Expert in which our trainer, Sue Butterfield, explains what mindfulness is and how it can help manage stress at work
  • All our other regular items including our blog round up, inspiring quotations, relevant resources and links to some recent articles of interest

In Equilibrium News

New One Day Course Available
Mentoring Skills in the Workplace has been developed to help both those new to a mentoring role and those who wish to augment their existing skills. The course explores the role of a mentor and includes interactive role play sessions to instil the necessary skills. Delegates leave the course with an understanding of the skill set required to be able to mentor successfully.

On-line Training (1 hour courses)
We are excited to report that we will shortly be offering a limited number of one hour online training courses. The initial course will be on Personal Resilience and will be competitively priced and available for purchase by both organisations and individuals. If you would like to be kept up to date regarding this and future on-line training, please email us at [email protected].

Blog Round Up
In case you haven’t checked out our resources recently, here’s a quick round up of the articles which have appeared since our last newsletter:

This week’s training
A visual summary of some of the places In Equilibrium delivered in-house training during a grey week last November.

Mindfulness in the workplace
A reminder of the benefits mindfulness practice can bring to a workplace.

Working with housing associations
A look at why housing associations regularly take the top spots in the lists of the 100 best not-for-profit organisations to work for.

The implications of wellbeing in the education sector
Why leaders in the education sector decide to offer resilience and wellbeing workshops.

Resilience training development and impact
This article explains why In Equilibrium first decided to develop resilience training courses in 2007 and how it then took two years to perfect the course content and delivery style which has led to consistently good feedback from both delegates and organisations.

Some pointers for finding our resources
Although we know our way around our website, we realise that not everyone spends as much time on it as we do! So we wrote this post to provide links to help you locate the many free resources our website offers.

Happy New Year resolutions?
A look at the stark figures for the success rate of these annual promises and some alternative suggestions to help improve your wellbeing.

New Trainers
We are delighted to welcome three new trainers for the start of 2015:

Karen Barr is an accredited trainer and executive coach who has experience of how mindfulness can change the culture of an organisation and is passionate about sharing the many benefits of mindfulness with both individuals and organisations.

Mark Eyre is an accomplished facilitator and coach. His particular expertise lies not only in enabling people to be the best they can be but also in organisational change and building resilience in both managers and staff.

Shelagh Prosser is a diversity and inclusion specialist who has a successful record of helping organisations to embed best practice into their employment procedures as well as service planning and delivery.

Competition Winners
Congratulations to the three winners of the competition which we ran in our last edition. They are Janet Crook, David Denoon and Laura Mathews. We hope they enjoyed their prizes and would also like to thank everyone who took the time to enter. If you would like to check if you got the correct answer, you will find it here … 

Stress Management Tip

With that day we either love or love to hate just around the corner, today’s tip is backed by science so get practising!

Read our stress management tip here … 
View our archive of stress management tips here … 

Ask The Expert

In Equilibrium consultant Sue Butterfield answers a question from a reader who wants to know more about the concept of mindfulness.

The Question
“Mindfulness appears to be one of the new buzzwords. As I’ve seen you offer a one day course in it, can you explain to me what mindfulness is and how it could help me manage pressure at work?”

The Answer
Read Sue Butterfield’s expert answer here … 

Sue Butterfield’s profile can be viewed here …

If you found Sue’s answer helpful, you may be interested in our one-day Introduction to Mindfulness Training

You can read previous Ask the Expert questions and answers here … 

Amanda’s Column

Even though she sometimes feels they’re taking over her home, Amanda finds that a chance discovery has left a lasting impression …
Read Amanda’s column here … 

Read past editions of Amanda’s column here …


In our resources section we feature a report looking at the importance for business of building resilience in their workforce in both the short and long term plus a concise self-help guide to handling stress.

Click here to view this edition’s resources


“Adversity has the effect of eliciting talents, which in prosperous circumstances would have lain dormant”
Roman Poet
65BC – 8BC

“In the depth of winter I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer”
Albert Camus
French Philosopher
1913 – 1960

News from the Outside

Click here to see a selection of external articles including:

  • The importance of courage, compassion and resilience in the workplace
  • The three C’s which can enhance employee wellbeing
  • Training the mind to increase wellbeing
  • The 70% delegation rule
  • Why, just because we’re all perennially busy, we should still make room for manners

Thank you for taking the time to read our newsletter. We are always delighted to hear from our readers, so if you would like to share your comments or suggestions with us, please don’t hesitate to contact us at: [email protected].

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Our purpose is to provide training and consultancy services to enhance resilience, health and wellbeing in the workplace.


Differentiation is one of the most strategic and tactical activities in which companies most constantly engage


It's natural to have questions about training and how it fits with your organisation. Our FAQs can help you find out more.


View case studies for some of the in-house training courses we have delivered to different types of organisations across the UK.