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Newsletter 42 – April 2008


Welcome to April’s edition of “In Equilibrium“.

We move into Spring with a busy edition which includes the full programme for our next Conference; our 2008 Summer open course dates; a link to Dame Carol Black’s review of the health of Britain’s working age population; details of the results of a 2008 stress survey; plus all our regular features.

In Equilibrium News

Dame Carol Black to be the Keynote Speaker at our Autumn Conference
We are delighted to announce that Dame Carol Black will be the keynote speaker at our next conference. Entitled Workplace Resilience, Stress and Wellbeing, the conference will take place at the CBI Conference Centre, London on Thursday 20th November 2008.   The full conference programme is now available on our website.

Summer 2008 Open Course Dates
Dates are now available in London to attend four of our courses on an open basis. Managers Managing Stress; Specialised Stress Training for Occupational Health Professionals; Developing Resilience in Managers; and Managing Difficult People are all running in central London during June and July.

There are also a few places still available on our Managers Managing Stress open course taking place in Scotland on Tuesday 20th May.   Full details of all our open courses are available on our website.

Health @ Work Summit
Places are still available for the above Summit which is due to take place in London on Wednesday 25th and Thursday 26th June. This event aims, through the use of innovative case studies, to assist in establishing clear solutions to the challenges organisations face over the health and well-being of their employees.   Further details about this event are available on the Symposium Events website.

In Equilibrium win stress management training contract with Wolverhampton Homes
Wolverhampton Homes have recently been awarded a two star rating from the Audit Commission which unlocks nearly £400m of funding to improve homes across the city.

To meet this challenge Wolverhampton Homes recognises that the health and well-being of its employees is of key importance. The early identification and prevention of work-related stress will improve employee well-being; reduce levels of absenteeism and boost individual and team performance.

The training to be delivered by In Equilibrium will be based on the HSE Stress Management Standards and the latest research on how management behaviour can minimise work-related stress.


Stress Management Tip

With winter hopefully behind us, our tip this month is about feeling good and not allowing a negative comment to spoil your day. Do give it a try, it works …



We found the following websites interesting:

Your Boiling Point
For Mental Health Action Week 2008, the Mental Health Foundation has launched a campaign about anger and mental health. This website takes a light-hearted look at anger and allows you to take an anger test to get you thinking about the subject. You can then compare your temperature with the national average. Plus there is a video and a ranting corner which should certainly bring temperatures down!  (yourboilingpoint.org.uk)

National Parks


Did you know that there are 14 National Parks in Britain, spread out so that no-one is too far away from one? Or that our National Parks are part of a global family of 6,555 protected areas which in total make up 12% of the Earths surface? This website gives links to each of the UKs National Parks as well as a whole host of information as to how best to use these green gyms, their latest news and listings of events which occur within them.


Stress in the News

Working for a Healthier Tomorrow


The workplace can be a key setting for improving peoples health and well-being. Dame Carol Black has published her long awaited review of the health of Britains working age population. The full review is 117 pages long; however, pages 7 to 17 provide an Executive Summary.   If you would like to hear Dame Carol Black speaking, we are delighted to welcome her as the keynote speaker at our next conference taking place at the CBI Conference Centre in London on 20th November.   The full conference programme can be viewed on our website.

Building the Case for Wellness


Price Waterhouse Cooper was commissioned by the Health Work Wellbeing Executive to undertake research into the wider business case for workplace wellness programmes and the specific economic case for UK employers. In their report they assess the available evidence in literature and link this through to practical examples of UK businesses across a range of industries and company sizes. They also provide a framework for implementation by outlining important principles in the planning, execution and management of wellness programmes.

Human Resources Magazine Stress Survey 2008


The results of this years survey, released at the beginning of April, show that stress is considered to be just as big a problem today as it was last year with 53% of respondents considering stress to be more of a problem than it was a year ago and only 18% of organisations having undertaken stress audits to identify causes of the problem in the workplace.

Stress and the Entrepreneur

Research released by Bibby Financial Services suggests that the issue of stress is a growing concern to the 3.7 million firms that make up the small business sector with 92% of British small business owners and managers having experienced stress at some point in their working lives and over a quarter (26%) feeling stressed all or most of the time.

Link between Stress and Musculoskeletal Disorders

This article looks at the growing interest in the link between the two most common causes of work-related ill health – stress and musculoskeletal disorders – both in terms of their common risk factors and the extent to which the conditions themselves are mutually influential.


Amanda’s Column

This month Amanda learns that if there was a little more trust around, our stress levels might drop substantially …



“Spring is natures way of saying Lets Party!”
Robin Williams, Actor, Comedian (born 1951)

“Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summers day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time.”
John Lubbock, British Statesman (1834 – 1913)


Thank you for taking the time to read our Newsletter, we would be delighted to hear from you with any feedback you would like to offer – the good, the bad but hopefully not too much of the ugly!
Dedicated to Managing Stress, Well-being and Performance

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