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Resilience Training Courses for Social Workers

We have received some excellent feedback from the training in resilience that we ran for teams of social workers. Most people would agree that the job of a social worker is emotionally as close to the coal face as you can get. Social Workers play a vital role in the community but the work can be extremely challenging, and issues such as looking after yourself; having strong professional boundaries; and the ability to control your emotions when making difficult decisions are essential for long term good health.

A front-line social worker can be the buffer between the family, the individual and the state.  Increasing resilience enables social workers to continue to do their job well whilst retaining positivity and enthusiasm in their ability and their role.

Here are some comments given by the social workers after the day’s training:
“this should be available to all social workers regularly”
“Excellent and knowledgeable facilitators”
“Very valuable course”
“Challenging, thought provoking and increased self-awareness”
“Relevant and helpful day that will be incorporated in and out of work”
“Well timed”

Here is an example of the areas which can be covered during the course; the exact content for the day can be tailored specifically to your needs:

  • Understanding what is meant by personal responsibility and resilience
  • A better understanding of professional and personal boundaries
  • Understand how to improve individual resilience skills to combat stress and anxiety
  • To be realistically optimistic during periods of adversity and uncertainty
  • A better understanding of professional empathy
  • Use resilience skills to deliver the right messages at the right time and feel confident in having difficult discussions
  • Increase delegates flexibility with a stronger sense of being in control when faced with uncertainty
  • Build strong supportive relationships with colleagues, families and clients
  • Increased ability to control your emotions when making difficult decisions during periods of high demand

When piloting the courses we discovered that one of the ways to facilitate the learning of resilience skills was to discuss examples of challenging situations and circumstances which delegates would be able to relate to personally. Delegate feedback confirmed to us that this level of personal involvement was often a key factor in the learning process. Consequently, we had to ensure that the training style of the course and the experience of the trainer were at a level of competence that allowed us to broach sensitive issues in a non-threatening way. This was necessary to ensure that delegates felt they could listen and, if they chose to, take part in discussions within a safe and comfortable environment. Delegates now also receive comprehensive course workbooks and resilience resources they can use for ongoing practice and development.

Discover more about our Resilience Training Courses here

For more details, or to have a conversation with us about our training and how it could fit in with your requirements, please contact us.

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