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Training on Stress Management
10 reasons why finding time for stress management training is essential for busy managers, including how it can boost productivity, well-being, and success.
Read MoreThis blog post provides a summary of the various stress management workshops In Equilibrium can offer for those who would like to include training in their management and staff wellbeing programme.
Read MoreWork carried out: consultancy, risk assessment, and training Problem Northumbria Probation Service (NPS) employs around 600 staff and was looking to tackle stress as an organisation. The core work of the organisation is pressurised and can be stressful and NPS, like many similar organisations, faced some real difficulties in this area. Evidence, both qualitative and…
Read MoreThese notes provide background information for those attending In Equilibrium training courses related to stress management. Please feel free to print them off so you can refer to them at your leisure.
Read More5 Steps to Risk Assessment In 2001, the HSE published “Tackling work-related stress: A managers’ guide to improving and maintaining employee health and well-being” (HSE Books). These guidelines encourage managers to manage and minimise the health risks associated with stress by taking a stress risk assessment approach. They advise managers to use the same five…
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