Energy at Work: Audio CD and Handout Contents

Handout Contents

  • Introduction
  • How to get the best out of yourself without killing yourself
  • How to remove habits of excess and habits of neglect
  • The importance of good quality sleep
  • Understanding your biorhythms and making them work for you
  • How your diet affects your energy
  • How exercise can increase your energy
  • Attitude and energy
  • Stress and energy


Energy and Well-being Audio CD

Track 1:  General Introduction to Contents

Track 2:  Energising Exercise This should be listened to whenever you feel you need a boost. Perhaps you have already had a hard day and need to get something else done in the evening. Alternatively you can listen to it in the morning before you get out of bed. It will increase your motivation, enthusiasm and energy helping you rise to the challenges of the day ahead.

Track 3:  Pacing and Listening to Ourselves The difference between the workaholic and the high achiever is that the high achiever paces themselves, taking breaks when necessary and listening to one’s body. You need to be fit and well for the long haul.

Track 4:  Time Management  Time Management is doing the right thing in the right way at the right time. High achievers are experts at prioritising. They avoid what the Americans call ‘majoring in minors.’

Track 5:  Procrastination Exercise  This will help anyone who has difficulty getting started on things. This will help to kick-start you into action by focussing on the raised self-esteem and feelings of satisfaction you know will result from working towards a worthwhile goal.

Track 6:  Use the Material & Practice  Everything in this workshop has to be used to work. Each of use is unique and what works for one is not the solution for someone else. It needs practice, practice, and more practice. It is actually doing it. For example, many still smoke, but know they should not do it. It is becoming one’s own expert.

Track 7:  Sleep Exercise  The sleep track (Track 7) will encourage you to progressively drift into the alpha state and from there it is a natural process to drift a little deeper into proper sleep, particularly if you are tired. Dr Mason Brown uses a combination of visualisation, metaphors and suggestion to help you drift into a natural good quality sleep which will allow you to awaken feeling fully rested and energised. As with all metaphor exercises it is important that you allow your subconscious to simply absorb and accept the words, don’t think too deeply about the detail of the script.

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