Stress Management Training Courses

It’s well recognised that stress doesn’t just have a personal cost, it also has a cost to organisations. Work-related stress rates continue to increase from pre-pandemic levels with impacts on efficiency and productivity. Our stress management courses for managers and staff help to create awareness and offer possible techniques and solutions for managing stress. Their overall aim being to bring benefits for individuals, teams and the organisation.

Stress Management Training for Managers

A practical and interactive course which looks at the signs of stress and its risk implications. By the end of the course, participants will be able to discuss individual team members' stress triggers with them and agree individual strategies which can then be reviewed at a later date.

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Practitioner Insights: 90-Minute HSE Stress Mgt Standards Workshop

This 90-minute virtual, interactive session explores the HSE Management Standards and how these can be applied to help proactively manage stress at work. The session will include opportunities to discuss your organisation’s current procedures and approaches to managing stress.

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Stress Management Techniques

Half-day course which enables participants to understand the meaning of stress and how to differentiate it from pressure.  A toolkit of stress management techniques and exercises is provided for delegates to take away, so they can practice those which work best for them.

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Practical Approaches to Handling Pressure

A practical and engaging course on which delegates will learn to recognise the signs and sources of stress; assess their wellbeing and work-life balance; understand the importance of individual factors such as perception; and discover how to apply relevant coping strategies.  Exercises are included which delegates will benefit from re-visiting after attending the course.

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Team Working - Action Planning for Virtual Teams

A 2-hour facilitated virtual course to stimulate joint action planning within teams who are working together in a virtual environment - increasing communication between & support for each other. The unique feature of this course is that it is tailored to meet the needs of individual teams as content is based on the main findings of a pre-course questionnaire.

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Stress: Customised Training

In addition to our stress management training for managers and employees we are happy to customise our courses to fulfil your exact criteria, whether that be adding or removing certain elements of a course or devising a bespoke course from scratch.  Our customised training page provides a couple of examples of how this has worked in practice.

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Managing Wellbeing Training

This course has been developed around a practical framework which managers can use to improve the wellbeing of their staff.  Participants have commented on how confident and energised they feel after focusing on the positive actions they can take to improve the wellbeing of their team members in the workplace.

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Strategies to promote a good night's sleep

During this 2-hour workshop, delegates explore the importance of sleep and how to make realistic changes to improve their sleep quality and quantity. The workshop is highly interactive with exercises, checklists and action planning and includes guidance from the Health & Safety Executive and the NHS.

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Managing Burnout

A 3-hour course which helps participants understand what has caused symptoms of burnout (such as physical and mental exhaustion, social detachment, and a reduced sense of worth). The course introduces them to practical actions that will help positively address the condition based on the latest scientific evidence of what works and what doesn’t.

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