In Equilibrium Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy

In Equilibrium Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy

In Equilibrium is committed to equality, diversity and inclusion for everyone, this includes our staff, our learners, and our trainers and consultants.


This policy sets out our commitment to ensure equality of opportunity and the steps we take to prevent any unlawful or unfair discrimination or harassment. It applies to all of our staff, our learners our trainers and consultants and anyone who works with us.

We are fully committed to the principles of equal opportunities and respect for individuals in creating and maintaining an inclusive environment. We both value and celebrate diversity, seeing this as a critical part of who we are and what we do. We recruit and work with people from a wide range of backgrounds and aim to promote a culture of inclusivity where:

  • A supportive and inclusive learning and working environment is fostered, to ensure that everyone feels that they are valued and can work to achieve their potential;
  • Opportunities are open to everyone and our decisions are based on merit and are free from bias
  • All our staff, learners, trainers and consultants and others who we work with are treated with dignity and respect
  • Everyone is encouraged to be their true self and diversity is celebrated.

We are committed to providing equality for everyone, regardless of:

  • Age
  • Disability
  • Race (including ethnicity, colour and nationality)
  • Sex
  • Gender reassignment
  • Religion or belief ( or lack of belief)
  • Sexual Orientation
  • Marriage or Civil Partnership
  • Pregnancy and maternity

These are defined in the Equality Act (2010) as ‘protected characteristics’. To support our equality, diversity and inclusion work, we have a number of linked actions and guidance documents to support this policy.


As an organisation, we:

  • Take a zero-tolerance approach to all incidents of harassment, bullying and other forms of abuse
  • Value diversity and seek to promote it in the work that we do
  • Promote respect and good relations between different groups
  • Seek to meet the needs of different groups, whilst promoting shared values
  • Promote an inclusive place of work and learning where people respect others
  • Prevent unlawful discrimination and victimisation
  • Meet our legal obligations and take seriously and deal with situations where someone has broken this policy

The Directors have ultimate responsibility for making sure that this policy is followed in full. All our staff, trainers and consultants have a responsibility to deliver these equality commitments in their areas of work and responsibility.

We expect all of our staff, learners, trainers and consultants as well as others who work with us, to adhere to this policy and to follow associated guidelines. Everyone is expected to promote a culture which is free from unlawful discrimination, harassment and bullying and to act as an ally and active bystander when they see behaviours which breach our policy.

As part of our commitment to zero tolerance, we will act on every report of harassment, discrimination, bullying or other behaviours which undermine someone’s dignity.


To ensure that we meet the commitments of this policy we will:

  • Ensure that all staff, learners, trainers and consultants and others who work with us are aware of our policy
  • Ensure that any concerns can be raised with the Director who will oversee any investigation
  • Provide staff, trainers and consultants with guidance to ensure that they are confident to promote equality, diversity and inclusion through their work and interaction with others
  • Ask for commitments from our suppliers and partners to make sure that they take steps to prevent discrimination and promote equality, diversity and inclusion.

Complaints of Discrimination

Staff, trainers and consultants

If you are a member of staff or a trainer or consultant working on behalf of In Equilibrium and believe that you have been subject to discrimination, harassment, bullying or other behaviour which causes distress, we take this very seriously. You may be able to address this informally with the person concerned, but we recognise that an informal approach may not always be appropriate,  and at any time you can also report concerns to the Director, Jan Lawrence [email protected] so that action can be taken.


If you believe that you have been subject to discrimination, harassment or bullying by a member of our staff or by one of our trainers or consultants, we take this seriously. You can raise concerns if appropriate to do so, directly with staff, trainers or consultants to seek an informal remedy. We recognise that an informal approach may not always be appropriate, and at any time you can also report concerns to the Director Jan Lawrence [email protected] so that action can be taken.


Whether you are a visitor or have another form of relationship with us, and believe that you have been subject to discrimination, harassment or bullying, please email Jan Lawrence [email protected] with full details so that this can be investigated further.

Language and Terminology

We recognise that inappropriate use of language and terminology can cause offence and may indicate prejudice and potential discrimination. Language and terminology is not always neutral and free from bias and words and phrases can be associated with negative attitudes and may unintentionally offend people, including members of groups who face prejudice, harassment or discrimination.

Although some use of language or terminology which gives offence may be unwitting, we can provide guidance for staff, trainers, consultants and learners to take care not to use language which may cause offence to others. This includes in spoken or written communication as well as in training and other material, including on social media.

Language and terminology changes over time and we are mindful of this. We have developed guidance to help people to reflect on the language and terminology that they use and will update this from time to time as language and terminology evolves.

Advertisements and information

Our advertisements and information will state our commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion.  We will seek to ensure that our language and images are kept under review for inclusivity.

Appendix to the policy

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