Here we highlight our in-house courses tailored to help embed practice and remind attendees of the power of self-care.
We know that the benefits of good self-care are not just felt keenly by individuals aiming to thrive but have positive implications for the overall workplace culture, team performance and organisational productivity. Taking care of ourselves increases our stamina and self-esteem, helping us perform at our best with a positive mindset, greater resilience, and the ability to give our best to others.
Please browse the courses below, which all aim to provide learners with understanding, practical tips and strategies to boost and strengthen mental and emotional well-being.
Developing Personal Resilience
Delegates are introduced to skills which will increase their confidence when facing the pressures and difficulties of today's challenging workplace. A highly interactive course which includes a variety of tools and exercises.
Introduction to Mindfulness
This 90-minute course is for those who find that juggling multiple daily demands can leave them feeling frazzled. The session equips participants with powerful tools that enable them to de-activate stress and respond to pressure calmly and positively.
Developing a Growth Mindset in the Workplace
This half-day course explores practical ways individuals can cultivate a growth mindset to improve responses to setbacks, criticism and challenges as well as focusing on building confidence in their abilities to try new approaches without fear of failure.
Stress Management Techniques
Half-day course which enables participants to understand the meaning of stress and how to differentiate it from pressure. A toolkit of stress management techniques and exercises is provided for delegates to take away, so they can practice those which work best for them.
Practical Approaches to Handling Pressure
On this practical and engaging course, delegates will learn to recognise the signs and sources of stress; assess their wellbeing and work-life balance; understand the importance of individual factors such as perception; and discover how to apply relevant coping strategies.
Managing Burnout Training
A 3-hour course which helps participants understand what has caused symptoms of burnout (such as physical and mental exhaustion, social detachment, and a reduced sense of worth). The course introduces them to practical actions that will help positively address the condition based on the latest scientific evidence of what works and what doesn’t.
Strategies to promote a good night's sleep
During this 2-hour workshop, delegates explore the importance of sleep and how to make realistic changes to improve their sleep quality and quantity. The workshop is highly interactive with exercises, checklists and action planning and includes guidance from the Health & Safety Executive and the NHS.
Handling Difficult Behaviours
Whether the problem is dealing with angry and aggressive behaviour, conflicts and disagreements, or negative, defensive and unresponsive people, this training will equip participants with the skills to learn to resolve these situations effectively and positively.
Managing our Mental Health while Working From Home
This 3.5 hour course focuses on emotion regulation and building resilience to help people cope with the challenges of remote working. Delegates learn practical skills during a fun, engaging session full of group exercises, discussion, creative thinking and problem solving.
Mental Health Awareness: Training for all Employees
This training course increases awareness of how to support others in the workplace who may be struggling with mental health issues. The training explores the most common mental health problems and practical actions delegates can take to help others, whilst taking steps to protect their own mental wellbeing.
Returning to Work: Anxiety Management & Agoraphobia
Course participants learn why they may be experiencing feelings of panic, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, or having intrusive thoughts or images. In this 2-hour course they learn how not to experience fear in these situations, explore a range of evidence-based solutions and develop a plan that will help them feel safe.
Assertive Communication at Work
Fundamental to improving people’s ability to work together, negotiate and achieve workable compromises, assertive communication is essential for effective performance and well-being in the workplace. This engaging course includes a variety of practical exercises to enable any staff member of any organisation to communicate assertively.