Frequently Asked Questions


Q: Do you deliver your courses virtually?

A: Yes, we are currently delivering most of our courses in a virtual format as well as face-to-face.

Q: Are you able to come and meet us to talk through our requirements?

A: Yes, no problem...we are happy to have a meeting with you to discuss your requirements.

Q: How many delegates can we have on a course?

A: We recommend 6 to 12 delegates for most of our courses as we find this to be the optimum range for group work and interaction.  However, if you have a smaller or larger group in mind, please do get in touch, as we are more than happy to discuss alternatives and come up with a customised solution.

Q: Can you provide attendance certificates?

A: Yes.

Q: I am interested in a particular course; what do I need to do next?

A: Please give us your contact details, and we will call you to discuss your exact requirements. Alternatively, if you are sure this is the course you are interested in, please advise your location and also when you hope to run the course - then we can get back to you with our availability.

Q:  Have you got experience working with businesses in my sector?

A: Please search under "case studies" or "testimonials" to see details of our client history.  If you want more detailed information, please contact us, and we will, wherever possible, provide references from organisations we have worked with in similar sectors to your own.  Even if your sector isn't detailed on our website, we may still be able to provide you with references or examples of work we have carried out in the same area.

Q: What is the typical delivery style for training?

A: Although PowerPoint slides are often used to highlight the central themes, there is normally a mixed media approach with the use of videos and interactive trainer-led discussions, experiential exercises and questionnaires.  In consultation with our customers some of the course exercises are designed to replicate work-based situations which delegates will be able to relate to.  Exercises usually involve delegates working in pairs or larger groups to discuss the issues and complete tasks and activities.  Most of our training courses include access to online resources and exercises for post-course development.  Course workbooks normally include space for delegates to record their thoughts and key learning points as well as including an Action Planning exercise for post-training reference.

Q: Do you offer bespoke services?

A: Yes.  Please contact us to discuss your exact requirements.

Q: We are based in Wales. Can you run in-house courses here?

A: Yes.  We have trainers working throughout the UK, and we also work in Europe.

Q: To what level are your trainers qualified?

A: All of our trainers are professionally qualified in the areas in which they train, including organisational psychologists, former HR directors and business psychologists.  Our key requirements are that the trainer is experienced in providing training work with organisations and has a personal interest and a passion for the subject they deliver courses in. 

Q: Will I be able to speak to the trainer in advance?

A: Yes, he or she will contact you before the training date to discuss any issues or current circumstances which may be relevant to the day.

Q: How interactive is the training?  I am concerned that some delegates may not wish to share personal experiences relating to stress/wellbeing/mental health/bullying, etc.

A: Very careful ground rules are set for each group during introductions and objective setting at the beginning of the day. This allows for individuals to feel comfortable to add their experiences to the group, but it is also to ensure that delegate input is appropriate to the discussions and comfortable for them – it is completely up to each delegate what they choose to divulge throughout the day.

Q: I don't have enough delegates to run an in-house course. Can you still help me?

A: Yes, please call us to discuss how we may be able to help; there are a few possibilities.  For example, we are able to offer Coaching, which can be a very effective way to look at particular issues/concerns.

Q: I can’t find what I am looking for on your website

A: Please try the search facility, it's the magnifying glass at the top right of the webpage, if you still can’t find what you are looking for please contact us, we will be glad to help.

Q: Can I see the kind of emails you send before I sign up for your updates?

A: Yes, please search for "newsletter", and you will see back copies of articles.

Q: Is there a dress code on your courses?

A: We find people learn best when they are comfortable and relaxed.  Our trainers are happy for delegates to wear anything from casual jeans to a formal suit.

Q: How do you evaluate your courses?

A: We adopt a partnership approach to evaluation.  We can help our clients with all aspects of evaluation.  The first and easiest form of evaluation is in terms of post-course reaction.  Data on ‘reaction’ can be gathered on the day.  Many of our clients have their own evaluation forms or ask for our input to adapt their forms to the course we are presenting. If not, we can provide an appropriate form.  For many clients, we present a large number of courses so evaluation data can be collated and analysed over the longer term.  Delegates can also email us after the training to provide feedback.

Of course, it is also important to evaluate at a deeper level in terms of learning, behaviour change and results.  We can help clients with advice and support for both qualitative and quantitative approaches to evaluation.

For example, we can meet regularly with the key contacts to discuss all aspects of the course and the impact of the course in terms of behaviour change and results.  We can host focus groups with course participants several months after the course, and clients have used before-and-after questionnaires that we have helped them develop.  We work closely with our clients to make sure we are constantly improving training and responding to changing needs and circumstances where appropriate.

Q: How do course materials get to us?

A: We normally courier course materials to arrive at the venue the day before the training is due to take place.  For virtual courses, we email the workbook in pdf format.

Q: Can I see some case studies of work you have already carried out?

A: Yes please contact us for details or do a search for "case studies" and you will be able to review the information that is on our website.

View our Stress Management Training Courses, Resilience Training, Dignity at Work, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion,  Mental Health Awareness and Soft Skills training here.

You can also read a little more about In-Equilibrium here

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Our purpose is to provide training and consultancy services to enhance resilience, health and wellbeing in the workplace.


Differentiation is one of the most strategic and tactical activities in which companies most constantly engage


It's natural to have questions about training and how it fits with your organisation. Our FAQs can help you find out more.


View case studies for some of the in-house training courses we have delivered to different types of organisations across the UK.