equality, diversity and inclusion resources

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resources useful.

In Equilibrium Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Resources

Find our own blog articles about equality, diversity and inclusion at work on our website here.


Diversity and Inclusion

Creating an Inclusion Breakthrough: The KJCG Methodology for Strategic Culture Change
An article that outlines why creating an inclusive organisation needs to be a strategic process and describes the path from Exclusive Club to Inclusive Organisation.

Deloitte Thought Leadership articles: Diversity + Inclusion = Improved business outcomes
This page links to several excellent articles which can be downloaded, including: “The six signature traits of inclusive leadership”.

Diversity in Diction: Equality in Action
Based on “Diversity in Diction, Equality in Action – a guide to appropriate language” which was adopted by many organisations in the UK following its publication over 15 years ago, Hoxby’s blog ‘Diversity in Diction’ guide to non-discriminatory language is a 10 min read which, like the guide from which it evolved, offers us all an opportunity to re-examine our choice of words and be more sensitive to the potential offence caused to others through the words and phrases we use.

Equality & Diversity – a glossary of terms
Our blog article explains the main terms and phrases referred to when you read about Equality and Diversity in the workplace.


The Equality Act

Equality Act 2010 : Guidance
Information and guidance on the Equality Act 2010, including age discrimination and public sector Equality Duty.

What are the 9 Protected Characteristics
A short article from our blog looks at the importance of both managers & employees understanding the 9 protected characteristics and their role in ensuring Equality & Diversity.


Diversity in the Workplace

ACAS delivering equality and diversity
This page on the ACAS website offers advice on creating fairer workplaces, increases awareness of the protected characteristics and discusses the business case for encouraging equality and preventing discrimination.

Diversity in the Workplace: An overview from the CIPD
A factsheet produced by the CIPD covers many areas, including the business case, the CIPD viewpoint and managing diversity.  To view the whole factsheet, you will have to register for a free account.

Diversity Tips
This article from the In Equilibrium blog offers advice about getting the diversity message across the workplace, including looking at inappropriate comments and having courageous conversations.

Equality and Discrimination: understand the basics
An ACAS guide on the Learn with Unite the Union’s website.  It summarises what employers, employees and their representatives must and should do to comply with equality legislation and make their workplaces a fair environment.

Equality and Diversity Issues – an example
This article shows that it is not good enough to have intentions about fairness and support. You also need to be aware of how your decisions and actions impact others.  It highlights how, contrary to your intention, your decisions and actions can have a discriminatory impact.

Inclusive Recruitment Guides from the CIPD
The CIPD have produced inclusive recruitment guides for both managers and employers which cover 5 key steps to consider when making recruitment more inclusive - from role design and the job advert, to monitoring and measuring following the selection process.

Information on Diversity
A resource page on the CIPD website includes links to factsheets, podcasts, guides, reports, plus a diversity calendar that includes holy days, special events, festivals and bank holidays.
Please note you will need to have a CIPD log-in or provide a few details to register for free to access some of the resources.

Overcoming Unconscious Bias

Are you biased? – I am
An entertaining 8-minute round-up by Kirsten Pressner, the Global Head of HR at a multinational firm. In her TEDx talk, she includes a little of the neuroscience behind unconscious bias as well as an interesting test, ‘flip it to test it’.

How stereotypes affect us and what we can do
In this 8-minute video social psychologist, Claude Steele describes the idea and effects of stereotype threat in our daily lives.

List of cognitive biases
A list of almost 200 known biases is sub-divided on this Wikipedia page into decision making, belief & behavioural bias; social bias; and memory bias.

Race in America: The Invisible Hand of the Implicit Mind
A conversation between a forensic psychologist, Jay Richards and Dr Anthony Greenwald, co-author of “Blindspot: Hidden Biases of Good People”.  They discuss Dr Greenwald’s 30 years of psychological research to understand our current racial gaps better.

The cognitive bias cheat sheet
A different approach to categorising the list of cognitive biases on Wikipedia by Buster Benson with a visual by John Manoogian III called the Cognitive Bias Codex 2016. Buster started with the Wikipedia list, removed duplicates and grouped similar or complementary biases. Those left were categorised by the problem they’re trying to solve, which he has defined as information overload, lack of meaning, the need to act fast and know what needs to be remembered for later.

Why men still get more promotions than women
An article from a 2010 issue of the Harvard Business Review outlines why this may be following an analysis of in-depth interviews carried out with 40 high-potential men and women whose large multi-national company had selected to participate in its high-level mentoring programme.



This comprehensive article on the Royal Pharmaceutical Society's website uses colourful graphics to succinctly demonstrate 'What does a microaggression look like?' and 'What not to say and why'.  There is a section on 'Challenging Microaggressions' which includes some excellent examples and finally, Everyday Micro-Affirmations are introduced, these are a positive strategy to prevent microaggressions.

What Is a Microaggression? Everyday Insults With Harmful Effects
This article provides a useful summary of what microaggressions are; everyday actions and behaviours that have harmful effects on marginalised groups.  It introduces the idea that we may not be aware that we are inflicting microaggressions on others, not to mention the harmful effects of this behaviour.  It finishes with a section on the mental health effects of experiencing microaggressions along with links to further reading.



Age UK
Age UK is the country’s largest charity dedicated to helping people make the most of later life.  They provide advice, enable independence and help to combat loneliness.

The Children’s Society
The Children’s Society helps children and young people when they are at their most vulnerable and campaign for changes to laws which affect children and young people.  They run a national network of projects, research and campaigning.



Government Services and Information
The Disabled People page of the gov.uk website provides an index with links to their other pages providing information and advice.  It includes a section on disability rights and the Equality Act 2010.

Headway aims to promote understanding of all aspects of brain injury.  They provide support, services and information to survivors, their families and carers.  They also campaign to reduce the incidence of brain injury.

Mind provides help and support to anyone experiencing a mental health problem.  They believe no one should face a mental health problem alone, and they aim to ensure that everyone experiencing a mental health problem receives both support and respect.  MIND campaign to improve services, challenge discrimination and promote inclusion in society.

A practical help page on the RNIB’s website provides mental health and wellbeing resources, support and advice to help deal with the uncertainty of living with sight loss.


Gender Identity

Gender Identity Research and Education Society (GIRES)
GIRES are a UK charity that sponsors research and education on gender identity.  Their website has a resources page with sections on education, employment, health, law, research and support.

Supporting your LGBTQ+ Workforce from the NHS employers website
Access a suite of LGBTQ+ related resources and guidance which highlight some of the challenges facing LGBTQ+ staff in the NHS.

TransEDU – Organisations and Community
The website is a central resource for supporting trans applicants, students and staff in higher and further education.  This link provides a list of organisations that provide support and/or advocate for the rights of trans and non-binary people in the UK.


Institute of Race Relations (IRR)
The IRR is an educational charity and think-tank that provides research, analysis and exchange information about the struggle for racial justice in Britain, Europe and internationally.

Race in the Workplace: The McGregor-Smith Review
This independent review, published in 2017, includes a roadmap and recommendations for employers in both the public and private sectors to improve diversity within their organisations.

Racial Equality Foundation
The Race Equality Foundation have offices in London, Manchester and Leeds and work with a range of national and local partners to promote race equality across the United Kingdom.


Religion and Belief

Religion or belief discrimination: key points for the workplace
This guide from ACAS offers all those in the workplace with a grounding in how to reduce the chance of religion or belief discrimination happening in their workplace, an awareness of how it might still occur, and how it should be dealt with if it does.



Fawcett Society
The Fawcett Society campaigns for gender equality and women’s rights. They aim for a society in which individuals can fulfil their potential regardless of their sex and believe that society will be stronger, happier and healthier when all people, women and men, enjoy full equality and respect.

Still just a bit of banter? Sexual harassment in the workplace in 2016
A report by the TUC carried out research based on polling and the experiences of trade union members in collaboration with the Everyday Sexism Project. The final section of the report includes clear recommendations for the government, employers and trade unions.
Your rights at work: protection from sexual harassment is a TUC guide that describes the offence, its impact and your rights to proceed with a complaint.

Think Business, Think Equality
Close The Gap has produced this online self-assessment tool for finding out how small and medium-sized businesses can benefit from improved gender diversity.


Sexual Orientation

Health & Social Care & LGBT Communities
This 2019 report by the House of Commons Women and Equalities Committee highlights the services and structures in health and social care which are not meeting the needs of LGBT people and makes recommendations to create LGBT-inclusive services.

LGBT Foundation
The LGBT Foundation are a national charity that delivers a wide range of services to lesbian, gay and bisexual and trans (LGBT) communities.  They believe in a fair and equal society where all LGBT people can achieve their full potential.  Their website offers news, support, information and advice.

Stonewall campaigns for legal and social equality for lesbians, gay men, bisexual and trans people throughout the United Kingdom. Stonewall’s website contains research, information and advice aimed at various stakeholders, including individuals, employers, the media and parliamentarians.


All Equality Strands

British Institute of Human Rights
The British Institute of Human Rights (BIHR) is an independent charity that works to raise awareness of human rights in the UK.  Their website includes information, case studies and resources,  including an education zone for children and young people.

Civil Legal Advice (CLA)
This page of the gov.uk website explains how to get in touch with the CLA, who provide free and confidential advice on problems, including discrimination.

Diverse Cymru *
Diverse Cymru is a Welsh charity founded to help people in Wales face discrimination and inequality.  They deliver services, raise awareness, encourage engagement with decision-makers and motivate people to take action against inequality by providing advice, consultancy, training and working closely with others, including local councils and the Welsh Government.

Equality and Human Rights Commission
The Equality and Human Rights Commission is Great Britain’s national equality body.  Their job is to safeguard and enforce the laws that protect people’s rights to fairness, dignity and respect.  They operate independently and use their powers to challenge discrimination, promote equality of opportunity and protect human rights.  Working with other organisations and individuals to achieve their aims, they take tough action against those who abuse the rights of others.

Liberty was founded in 1934 and was formerly known as the National Council for Civil Liberties.  They promote the values of individual human dignity, equal treatment and fairness as the foundations of a democratic society and campaign to protect basic rights and freedoms through the courts, in Parliament, and within the wider community.

One Scotland *
One Scotland is a website produced by the Scottish Government, “Scotland believes in equality for all. One Scotland celebrates the progress we’ve already made on equality whilst recognising the work still to be done to achieve a truly inclusive society.”  The website has a resources section plus, amongst other areas, details of campaigns and milestones.

Policy – Equality 
This page on the gov.uk website provides links to case studies, guides, reports and articles which illustrate what the Government is doing about equality.

* Please note – we are aware that these two resources are predominantly aimed at those living in Wales or Scotland.  We have tried hard to find equivalent organisations in England and Northern Ireland, but if they exist, they have eluded us in our searches so far.  If any reader can help us address the balance, we would be very grateful if they could get in touch.


Case Studies

Gender Equality in the Workplace: Case Studies
Think, Act, Report is a voluntary initiative to help improve gender equality in the workforce.  These case studies explain how companies who signed up to the Think, Act, and Report campaign improve gender equality in the workplace. They show how companies use a step-by-step framework to think about recruitment, retention, promotion and pay.

Inclusivity and diversity at work case studies
On the Young People Hub of Barclays' LifeSkills website are 5 unique stories on different topics which cover gender, LGBTQ+, age, culture and disability.


Additional Resources Pages

We have created resource pages for all the areas in which we deliver training:
View our Wellbeing at Work Resource Overview page here


Please Note: The information in this website is for general guidance  and is not legal advice. Please be aware that some of the articles mentioned on the resources pages originate from countries with different legal requirements from those in the UK.

Equilibrium Associates Limited (In Equilibrium) will not accept liability for any loss, damage or inconvenience arising as a consequence of any use of or the inability to use any information on this website. We are not responsible for claims brought by third parties arising from your use of in-equilibrium.co.uk

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