We always find it valuable to receive feedback from those who attend our training courses and would like to thank everyone who has completed such requests over the years. Listed below is a selection of testimonials we have received from delegates who have attended our training.
Comments about In Equilibrium training
- "In Equilibrium courses always seem to be very interesting, informative and useful."
- "Training went really well thank you due to the administration and facilitation, and evaluations were of great quality."
- "The quality of the training has been fantastic, and our employees are really engaging with the trainer and getting something out of it. Also In Equilibrium makes the whole process very easy to arrange, and it’s a pleasure working with you."
Developing Personal Resilience
- "The most successful part of the course was realising that I am the only person who controls my thoughts and can change them."
- "Thoroughly recommend that all staff take this course as it opens your eyes to why resilience and boundaries are vital in our lives, be it for business or home life."
- "After working in H&S for the last 14 years, this course is by far the best behavioural course I have attended. It has opened up my opinion on identifying issues at work. Christine is a credit to her profession. Thank you!"
- "A few light-bulb moments about ways to strengthen resilience."
- "This training has encouraged me to question my relationships with others, how I adapt to change and what tools I can use to influence positive change in others whilst limit the potentially damaging effects or characteristics."
Developing Resilience: Training for Managers
- "Understanding the changes I need to make within myself so I can manage change in others."
- The course "really gave me an insight into why I behave in a certain way and how I can choose to change this."
- "The best training course I have ever been on. So helpful and useful."
- "Most engaging trainer. A very useful course - will be recommending this to my colleagues as we are leading change and need to be focused and resilient."
- "More personal reflection than I was expecting but as a consequence very useful and thought-provoking."
Stress Management Training for Managers
- "The whole course worked well for me. I learned a lot and left with a much better understanding of how to identify and deal with stressful situations with my staff."
- "I had no knowledge of stress management before the course or knew (my company) had a policy, so it was an eye-opener."
- "Work pressure profiling tool - I want to use this to raise awareness amongst my team so they can think about warning signs themselves."
- "… the course has been a success in that managers are more confident with the handling of stress and mental wellbeing issues within their teams."
- "Overall, very insightful and thought-provoking, well worthwhile. Thank you."
- "Wow, everyone should go on this training."
- "Most unusual for me to say this (!) but actually this course could have done with being longer to fully explore more of the areas covered."
- "Trainer good, clear communicator, easy to understand complex areas addressed."
- "Really, really enlightening."
- "Fantastic, thoroughly enjoyed the course, thank you."
Practical Approaches to Handling Pressure
- "I think the course should be mandatory for all college staff."
- "The overall course I found very interesting, and I am sure all techniques will help me to feel less pressure."
- "Clear theory and useful, practical tools to take away."
- "I now feel I have tools to be able to manage my surroundings/workload better."
- "Learned to focus more on positive and resolving, not negative."
- "Very good, worthwhile course."
- "I would suggest all staff should attend this course. Well worthwhile."
- "I felt that a lot of useful information was given over the course of the day and delivered in a very effective manner."
- This course was useful for "just meeting other people that felt the same way and being able to see a plan of action that l can work on."
- "It was a great course - the trainer was really, really good, and the content was very worthwhile. I would recommend this course to everyone."
An Introduction to Mindfulness Training
- "I think everyone should go on the course to learn effective techniques."
- "I enjoyed the workshop structure and the way it was delivered. Meditation exercises were an eye-opener."
- "Dr Chris does brilliant workshops where I've learnt to look after myself better."
- "This workshop cannot be too highly recommended. The trainer has an easy, relaxed style but keeps us all on task."
- "The training course content was very good, very interactive and a great introduction to Mindfulness. Karen Barr was fantastic; you can see that she enjoys what she does and is very knowledgeable in her field. Karen made the day enjoyable, made everyone participate, comfortably."
Bullying in the Workplace: Training for Managers
- "It was a very successful day, and all who attended were impressed with Fiona's knowledge and expertise in delivering the training."
- "The role play with the actor made the situation appear real - you could feel the atmosphere in the room."
- "Excellent trainer, very engaging, good pace, knowledgeable."
- "Very good trainer, arguably one of the best courses I've attended."
- "Roleplay actress was amazing; she evoked true emotions of how a person may feel as well as identifying flaws in how people may tackle this issue."
Bullying in the Workplace: Be Aware!
- "Excellent presentation throughout. Delivered in a clear manner and not wrapped up in 'techno' talk."
- "Provided space to reflect on how topics covered manifest themselves in the workplace."
- "Very relevant, interesting and engaging. Many thanks."
- "The trainer was fully conversant with the subject matter and took the time to listen and engage with all students."
- "A very informative course full of facts and worksheets."
- "Have been given advice on how to implement more assertive behaviour at work."
- "Lots of ideas given and ways to deal with situations - very friendly!"
- "Will be useful to use a combination of the strategies discussed."
- "Dawn structured the course around what we felt was what we most needed."
Mental Health Awareness Training
- "The relaxed training style was good where anyone was able to voice their views, so discussions took place. Overall very good session. Trainer was very good and approachable."
- "I have a better understanding of what help is available to direct people towards, and the best way to communicate with a person during a difficult time for them."
- "Twelve people in the training was spot on in terms of numbers."
- "It is a good course, good trainer and very informative. Everyone should attend, especially managers and team leaders."
- "A subject that affects so many people at some stage in their life could be helped/assisted with this training. Helping people to be aware of individuals suffering with mental health, talking about it and HOW to assist the individual and team working with mental health."
- "Everything that was spoken about and taught was executed very well, and the handouts are brilliant."
- "It was a well thought out and delivered course. Dot was enthusiastic and knowledgeable but not preachy."
Equality and Diversity Training
- "I came to the training with no expectations; I found it all very interesting and learnt from it."
- "I learnt some important ways of dealing with issues."
- "It is useful to have some knowledge of the legislative impact on the workplace."
- "Very well presented and interactive, well done."
- "I feel I now have a broader knowledge of ways to tackle discrimination."
Overcoming Unconscious Bias Training
- "Made me more aware of my own bias."
- "I have a fuller understanding of how it plays out in society and its impact in the workplace."
- "I wasn't very familiar with the extent of unconscious bias before the course. The case examples helped with this."
- "Realised that some of what I've learnt in the past is counter-productive, and it's OK to change my approach."
- "Some good ideas for reasons for poor sleep."
- "Very interesting topics made me more aware."
- "I can now improve or adjust my lifestyle to improve my energy levels."
Recent articles on our blog....
January edition of our workplace wellbeing quarterly e-newsletter
Improving workplace wellbeing – 6 recent resources & articles
Pleasanteeism – the not so new “ism” in the workplace

Our purpose is to provide training and consultancy services to enhance resilience, health and wellbeing in the workplace.

Differentiation is one of the most strategic and tactical activities in which companies most constantly engage

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View case studies for some of the in-house training courses we have delivered to different types of organisations across the UK.