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Newsletter 66 – July/August 2012

Welcome to the Summer edition of In Equilibrium

According to the long-term weather forecast, we may actually get some spells of warm summer weather during July and August which will be particularly good news if you are holidaying at home or are interested in this summer’s sporting events.

However, for those with or without a love of sport, we offer an interesting but sport free edition which includes:

  • An update on our blog articles
  • A stress tip offering advice for dealing with criticism
  • An Ask the Expert question from someone who has developed a negative reputation and finds it difficult to get their point across
  • A link to download a pocket guide which shows the positive effect that helping others can have on your own health and well-being

In Equilibrium News

Blog Update – we have recently posted a couple of resources on our blog which may be of interest:
Our Diversity Tips may help to prevent potential bullying and harassment complaints and create a positive and inclusive working environment.

The Stress Management Competency Indicator Tool is designed to allow you to assess whether the behaviours identified as effective for preventing and reducing stress at work are part of your management repertoire or not.

New Look – as part of our strategy to continually re-assess and improve our services, we are currently working on a new internet presence and are re-designing our website.  We aim to launch the new site in August and will look forward to receiving your feedback then.

New Testimonial – we have recently received a testimonial from the CEO/Principal of The John Townsend Trust following our delivery of a Mental Health Awareness course to their senior management team.

Stress Management Tip

If you find it difficult to deal with and accept criticism at work, you may find our tip helpful.

Read our stress tip here

Ask The Expert

We answer a question from a reader who has unintentionally gained a reputation for being a bit of a troublemaker at work and is keen to learn how to be heard without further damaging their standing.

Question “I feel like I have a reputation as being an outspoken trouble maker at my work.  When we are in meetings, I can’t help but speak up about things I don’t agree with and I am being told by my manager that I am aggressive and I need to ‘tone it down’. I don’t mean to be aggressive, but I get frustrated when things are not being done properly and people won’t listen to my point of view. I feel they are now all switching off when I start to talk as they just consider me to be too vocal. How can I get my point across without being labelled as a troublemaker?”

Answer In Equilibrium Consultant, Carol Taylor, looks at this situation objectively and offers some practical advice as well as suggesting areas where there may be food for thought.
Read her answer here

If you found Carol’s answer helpful, you may be interested in the following courses:
Managing Difficult People, Courageous Conversations , One to one coaching

Carol Taylor is trained in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and in the use of the Thomas Kilman instrument.

Amanda’s Column

Amanda is reminded that it’s not just the exam sitters who get anxious
Read Amanda’s column here


Doing Good Does You GoodA pocket guide has recently been produced by the Mental Health Foundation.  It aims to show the positive effect that helping others can have on your own mental health and wellbeing and includes some tips and suggestions on how to get started.

Responsibility Deal
The Responsibility Deal was established to tap into the potential for businesses and other organisations to improve public health.  Organisations take action by signing up to a series of pledges on food, alcohol, physical activity and health in the workplace.  By joining almost 200 organisations who have already signed up, a clear message is sent to staff and communities – you value both them and your business wellbeing credentials.

BBC Stress Test Results
The results of the BBC Stress Experiment carried out in June 2011 show that there may be a positive message regarding how our mental health could be improved.


“Man never made any material as resilient as the human spirit”
Bernard Williams
British Philosopher, (1929 -2003)

“Anger is never without a reason, but seldom with a good one”
Benjamin Franklin
American Statesman, (1706 – 1790)

News from the Outside

How work boredom is the new stress… and it affects everyone from office workers to those on the Afghan frontline
According to a new study by the University of Central Lancashire, behind anger, boredom is the most suppressed emotion in the workplace.

Time for employers to get proactive on workplace well-beingAn article which looks at why employers should take a proactive rather than reactive approach to employee wellbeing;  and the importance of moving away from thinking about wellbeing as a standalone activity to it being embedded in the culture of an organisation.

Undiscovered workforce campaign launches in parliament
A campaign has been launched by the National Autistic Society to promote greater awareness and understanding of the employment needs of adults with autism.  Various resources are available including a leaflet to help employers with the adjustments necessary to support people with autism in mainstream jobs.

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