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Newsletter 60 April/May 2011 Stress, Resilience and Well-being Round-up

Your Stress, Resilience and Well-being Roundup

Welcome to the Easter edition of In Equilibrium

What a quick year it’s been so far, the clocks have sprung forward, the days are lighter, the trees and plants are blossoming … and there are apparently 249 days left until Christmas!  We thought we would pass on this little gem, not to startle you, but to allow those who get anxious about this occasion to have an easier time this year and start planning early (for those who prefer the hectic, last minute approach we’ll give you another nudge in our November/December issue!).

Our latest newsletter is packed full of articles and advice including:

  • An easy and relaxing stress management tip
  • A few ideas to motivate staff during the downturn
  • Some practical suggestions as to how to be more assertive if your workload is becoming excessive
  • A useful resource which could help with any difficult conversations you may need to have now or in the future
  • The opportunity to download a helpful Sleep Guide


In Equilibrium News

Training for the new Equality Act – if you would like to ensure that your managers are up to date on the implications of this new act and also wish to minimise the risk of grievances and complaints, we can offer a 2 hour interactive session which explains the key issues and implications for your business of the diversity aspects of the new Act.

Recent articles added to our Blog – we thought you may be interested in a couple of articles which have recently appeared on our blog.  You can keep up to date with our blog articles by using the link above.

Good Mental Health Tips – we offer 8 tips which can help to improve your mental health.  Given that mental ill health is one of the main causes of absence, these are not just of use to individuals but for employers too.

Tips to Motivate Staff in a Downturn – our consultant Sue Butterfield offers some suggestions to help you develop an engaged and committed workforce.

Stress Management Tip

When you feel tense and are looking for a quick remedy, the natural answer may be just in front of your nose …


Ask The Expert

In this edition, we help a reader who contacted us with a question regarding how to say “no” without appearing negative.


There are now six people in my department but the workload expected of us is at the same level as when eight people were employed.  How can I learn to be more assertive and say “no” the next time extra work is given to me as I feel I’m already pulling my weight and am only keeping my head above water at the moment by working unpaid overtime a few nights a week?


In Equilibrium Director, Jan Lawrence, explains how you can be more assertive whilst still coming across positively.  Read her answer by clicking on the link above.

If you found our answer helpful, you may be interested in the following courses which all include sections on assertiveness:

Assertive Communication at Work

Courageous Conversations

Managing Difficult People


Amanda’s Column

Amanda is forced to discover how on earth a family could cope without the internet … or could they?



Difficult Conversations

In this extract from our Managing Difficult People course, we explain the 4i’s formula which provides a useful structure to follow when you need to have a challenging conversation either at work or at home.

Sleep Well – A Guide to Better Sleep

Produced by the Mental Health Foundation, this pocket sized guide contains useful advice as to how to get a good night’s sleep, as well as a blank sleep diary and some sources of assistance if you are having problems.  Download it for free.



“The best six doctors anywhere And no one can deny it

Are sunshine, water, rest, and air Exercise and diet.

These six will gladly you attend If only you are willing

Your mind they’ll ease Your will they’ll mend

And charge you not a shilling.”

Anonymous nursery rhyme set to the tune of “Yankee Doodle”


News from the Outside

Sickness Absence Review

A new independent review led by Dame Carol Black and David Frost is to look at the sickness absence system in order to help reduce the 150 million days currently lost every year.  The Department of Work and Pensions are keen to hear your views on the questions being asked, whether there are other things they should consider and any suggestions for other sources of information they can use. The review is currently in the evidence collection phase and is due for publication in late summer.

Hard work won’t kill you?  Well it might actually.

Researchers at University College London have found that working 11 hour days compared to ones of between 7 and 8 hours increases your heart attack risk by two-thirds. Their new study followed over 7000 British civil servants for 10 years.

Sleep in or work from home: minister’s plans to ease rush hour

The transport minister, Norman Baker, is looking to significantly reduce rush hour in the capital and across the country.  He said “It is crazy these days for people to go to work when work can come to people”.

… and finally …

Is Five a Day Enough?

Oh dear, just as summer is almost upon us and our daily fruit and vegetable count tends to improve (does fruity ice cream count?) – the goal posts are moved!  Apparently our government has been soft on us by setting the target at five.  Interesting article where you can learn what other Governments suggest is a healthy goal; why potatoes don’t count here whilst they do in France and Australia; as well as glean some handy “how to” tips to reach whatever magic number you set yourself.


Thank you for taking the time to read our newsletter.  We always welcome any comments or suggestions you may have as we use readers feedback as a gauge for future content. Contact us at : [email protected].


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