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Resources for Managers

Two cans linked with string depicting communication

Communicating with people who are absent with stress

By Jan Lawrence | 26 August 2008

Stress-related absence can appear to be a difficult issue for managers to deal with. There is still a stigma associated with mental health problems. Managers are often reluctant to communicate with absent employees because they fear they will be accused of bullying and harassment.

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White paper laid on a brown folder with the words 'balance or burnout' for the post Identification of stress and stress related problems

Identification of stress and stress-related problems

By Jan Lawrence | 26 August 2008

One of the difficulties with stress is that people experience it in different ways. This contributes to stress manifesting itself in different ways also. So it would be wrong to over-generalise when giving advice on how to identify stress in others. However, what we can say is that in some way ‘stress will out’. By this we mean that, because stress has negative effects, it will usually manifest itself one way or another.

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Three basic principles for resolving conflict

By Jan Lawrence | 12 June 2008

1. Treat the other person with respect
2. Listen until you feel where the other person shoe pinches
3. As approppriate, say what you think, need and feel.

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CUSP™ Control Enablers

By Jan Lawrence | 12 June 2008

Research and experience tells us that if you can:

Enable increased perception of control;
Reduce uncertainty, and the associated anxiety and insecurity;
Provide support, especially in highly pressurised or stressful situations;
Tackle sources of pressure (stressors) in your work area…
..then you will minimise the risk of stress-related illness and increase wellbeing and performance at work.

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